Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teddy Wosevelt-Tall Tale Story 3rd Draft

Teddy Wosevelt

Hi! My name is Robert Fry, but you can call me Bob. I’m going to tell you a story about my summer vacation last year when I found my very best friend in the world.  
It was a hot July afternoon, I was 10 years old and all of my friends had ditched me to go and see all of their relatives. I was bored. With all of my friends gone, I only had my dad (ugg), my mom (ugger), and my sister Cathy (uggest!) to play and hang out with.
Well, I really didn’t like the idea of hanging out with my sister, (again uggest!) so I decided to go for a walk and find some unsuspecting victim, I mean friend, to hang out with. I was walking down Hudson Bay St. in Kamsack thinking about all the things I would make him; I mean things we would do together. We would jump off the railroad bridge into the river, go fishing at the lake, we would go get ice cream, play ball, go roller skating, and most of all, torment my sister Cathy (*evil laugh*)!
Anyways, as I was saying, I needed a friend to help me pass the time and someone who wouldn’t object to all of my mischievous plans. I was looking and looking; trying to look into every window of every house, to try and see every living thing that could become my new friend. Well, I was looking so hard that I almost didn’t see that I had narrowly missed stepping on my soon to be, new best friend.
He was short; okay, well, short may be a little bit of an understatement. He was thin; again, an understatement. He was also very fashionable. What I mean is that he was dressed in the COOLEST! colour combination I have ever seen. He was wearing all green, but he had a white pin stripe running the course of his back and the belly of his ensemble was entirely yellow.
Now you are probably thinking to yourself right about now that I am a crazy ten year old that doesn’t have a clue on what fashionable even is. Well, normally you would be right, however, this time I knew in my gut that this new friend was both stylish and cool. I think it was the way that he wore his colours over his slender body, or maybe it really was that I just thought he looked cool, but whatever the circumstances, I knew I was right about this new friend of mine.
Who was my amazing new friend? Well I will give you a couple of hints. Hint #1 His smile isn’t very welcoming, Hint #2 He loves mice, and finally Hint #3 He is very flexible. Did you figure it out yet? No? Okay then I will tell you. My new best friend in the entire world is Teddy Wosevelt, the Garder Snake!
I hope that didn’t surprise you too much, but yes, my friend was a snake and he was the greatest! He did everything with me!
First we would go to the park and I pushed him on the swing and watch as he did a flying dismount! He did seven flips in the air before sticking the landing! I’m telling you Teddy was an amazing athlete. I mean he even knew how to play catch; well in his own way, but still! All that he had to do is wrap around the ball and I would throw it; he was very good at that game.
We also went roller skating; I mean roller surfing. You see, because snakes don’t have feet, let alone legs, the only way that Teddy could roller skate was if I stuck him in the boot a let him roll down a hill. He really liked that activity! Teddy would hang his head back and let the wind rush past his face, enjoying every second of it!
There were tonnes of other things that we did together to. We played board games together, we went swimming together, we went on bike rides, fishing trips, and got ice cream together, and he even shared my bed with me at night. I thought about asking my mom to make him some pyjamas, but I don’t think she would have gone for that idea.
All and all, Teddy and I were the best of friends, we spent that whole summer together, I even introduced him to some of my friends that came back from visiting their families. The friendship between Teddy and I was great! Together, we felt like we could do anything! Until that one day that Teddy went outside to play.
It was beautiful out! The sun was beating down on our small town and I was busy helping my dad with odd jobs around the house. Teddy was lying idly in my bedroom waiting for me to be ready to go out and play, however I was way too busy helping my dad to play with him.
I decided that there was no reason that he couldn’t go out and play by himself while I was busy inside, so I went downstairs and picked him up off of my bed. I told him that he was to be careful and not to get squished by any cars while he was outside; and with that final word I said goodbye and went back inside.
Now I don’t know exactly how long Teddy actually played outside, but I don’t think it was very long. I had been busy all day, and after dinner I went outside to find Teddy and bring him in to watch some T.V. with me. I walked out into the front yard and I couldn’t find him. He wasn’t in the bushes; his favourite hiding spot in hind n’ go seek. He wasn’t in the tree that we loved to climb, and he wasn’t laying on his favourite rock. 
I turned around to face the yards across the street and just as I did, I saw him. Teddy had done exactly what I had told him not to do! He had gone to play in the street and had gotten himself run over! He laid there in the middle of the street, squished flat and completely dead! I was both sad that I had lost my new best friend and mad that he had done what I had told him not to do!
But no matter how mad I was at my best friend Teddy, I decided that I needed to give him a proper burial. I walked out to the middle of the road and picked Teddy up. He was stiff as a board but his colours where still brilliantly visible. I walked Teddy down Hudson Bay St., remembering all of the fun things we had done together over that summer. I got to the end of the road, and looked out at the bush where Teddy and I had first met. I will admit that I almost cried; you would too if your best friend just died!
I took one last look at my friend Teddy Wosevelt and decided that there was only one way that he would want to be buried. So I said goodbye to my friend and then held him by the tail and threw him into the bush, boomerang styleJ! It really was the only way that I could see Teddy wanting to go.
So that is the story about me and Teddy Wosevelt. He was my best friend and we made some great memories together. But most of all, he showed me that I didn’t need to have my school buddies with me during that summer to have fun. All I needed was a Garder Snake that had the courage of a lion, and the heart of a best friend.

The End

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