Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tall Tail Pre-Writting

My dad lived in Kamsack when he was little.
He found a gardner snake and desided to keep him as a pet.
He named him Teddy Wosevelt.
He took him on walks, ate ice cream with him, let him sleep with him, went rollar blading together, played ball, played hide-n-go seek together, etc.
One day dad let Teddy outside while he had lunch.
3 hours later after he had eaten lunch, done the dishes, and homework, he went out to find Teddy.
Dad found Teddy ran over by a car, flat in the middle of the street.
He picked Teddy up, walked him to the bushes at the end on the street, and threw him like a boomerang into the bushes.
R.I.P Teddy Wosevelt.

The End.

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