Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tall Tail Pre-Writting

My dad lived in Kamsack when he was little.
He found a gardner snake and desided to keep him as a pet.
He named him Teddy Wosevelt.
He took him on walks, ate ice cream with him, let him sleep with him, went rollar blading together, played ball, played hide-n-go seek together, etc.
One day dad let Teddy outside while he had lunch.
3 hours later after he had eaten lunch, done the dishes, and homework, he went out to find Teddy.
Dad found Teddy ran over by a car, flat in the middle of the street.
He picked Teddy up, walked him to the bushes at the end on the street, and threw him like a boomerang into the bushes.
R.I.P Teddy Wosevelt.

The End.

Reading Log #7

Reason or faith?

Both reason and faith have good things about them. Reason gives us a solid answer and faith gives us hope. I do not believe that one truely is better than the other. People need faith to keep them going through life; whether that faith is in God, their friends or family, or maybe even in the stock market they still need faith. However there is such a thing has having to much faith and not enough reason. For example, if you had faith that God would save you from bad things and you desided to walk down the middle of the road, at night, wearing all black, you lack reason. Reason tells you that you should not be doing what you are doing and tells you what you need to do that is right.

Both reason and faith are equally important, but without a balance of both we cannot live our lives, happily, and rationally.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reading Log #2

"I know zoos are no longer in people's good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both." What do you think Pi means by this?

Pi is stating how, like zoos, riligion has become a controversial subject. Some people believe that animals should be free while others feel they are fine in the zoos. With religion, there are always arguements about which religion is right and how you are supposed to worship. There will always people argueing over what is right for both people to believe in, and whether or not animals should be kept in zoos, and that the illusions about freedom will always be a shadow to both religion and zoos.